CDC Warns of More Bird Flu After 2nd Human Infection - Conservative Nation
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CDC Warns of More Bird Flu After 2nd Human Infection



Earlier this month, FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf issued a stark warning on Capitol Hill about Bird Flu:

‘This virus, like all viruses, is mutating,’ he told the policymakers. ‘We need to continue to prepare for the possibility that it might jump to humans.

[The] real worry is that it will jump to the human lungs where, when that has happened in other parts of the world… the mortality rate has been 25 percent.

We gotta have testing, gotta have anti-virals, and we need to have a vaccine ready to go.”

Right on cue, here comes bird flu:

The infected farm worker, who has since recovered, is making waves in the media and among public health officials, who point to nationwide bird flu infections in mammal and bird populations as signs of impeding crisis.

The human case found in Australia is of the same H5N1 strain that has spread rapidly around the world but the ones detected on the farms in Victoria are of the different H7N3 strain.

The H5N1 outbreak among dairy cattle in at least nine U.S. states since late March has raised questions over whether it could spread to humans.

The objective of this pandemic, if it escalates to that point, is to eliminate your food supply.

They are also targeting your water supply. Have you heard that cyberattacks on water utilities across the country are becoming more frequent and severe?

Increased government control and regulation are on the horizon.

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