Middle Schooler Censored by School Over Patriotic Speech Now Banned From Attending - Conservative Nation
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Middle Schooler Censored by School Over Patriotic Speech Now Banned From Attending



A California seventh grader went viral last month after his principal censored his patriotic speech. He has since been banned from attending the school next year.

Saint Bonaventure Catholic School (SBS) Principal Mary Flock instructed Jimmy Heyward to edit his campaign speech for the role of Commissioner of School Spirit and Patriotism.

Jimmy’s mother claimed the principal demanded the removal of all “parts about patriotism,” and sent an email to all SBS parents misrepresenting what truly happened earlier in the day.

The principal then called the police on the boy’s father for confronting her, Resist the Mainstream reported last month.

Officers, however, informed the dad that he was welcome to remain at the event because they did not detect any imminent danger.

Both parents said Jimmy’s speech included calls for students to respect the National Anthem and veterans, among other symbols of American patriotism.

Jimmy also expressed a desire to “coordinate with Ms. Flock” to organize events honoring “Holocaust survivors, 9/11 survivors, Japanese-Americans from internment camps, and more.”

The middle schooler said in an Instagram video: “My love for America is my motivation for running,” adding, “It is an honor to live in this country.”

The teen is wearing a red hat emblazoned with the words “Make SBS Great Again” in the footage.

The school has since doubled down following the controversy, notifying Jimmy that he and his sisters cannot attend SBS in the fall.

A letter shared online by Libs of TikTok starts, “This letter is to inform you of a decision regarding your family’s association with St. Bonaventure School.” 

“After careful consideration and thorough review of recent events, and with the support of the Diocese, the decision has been made to terminate your family’s enrollment from St. Bonaventure School for next school year.”

The school then said its decision “comes as a result of serious violations of the Christian Code of Conduct and the Parent Electronic Communications Policy.”

The initial controversy sparked a firestorm online, with Elon Musk writing, “Hating on America is not cool.”

Juanita Broaddrick quipped, “That is pathetic. Shame on that despicable Principal,” to which another user replied, “And all the other teachers and administrators that allowed this to happen without speaking up for him.”

Libs of TikTok took aim at Flock, sharing that the principal deleted her X account following a petition and corresponding backlash.

She eventually “reinstated her account, changed her username, and blocked me,” Libs of TikTok highlighted. “Almost like how she blocked a little kid from giving a patriotic speech.”

Jimmy’s story gained widespread attention on social media after his mother revealed Flock instructed rally hosts to bypass her son entirely, subjecting him to an hour of public embarrassment.

“He was on the stage for an hour in front of his peers/teachers/parents being completely humiliated by Mary Flock,” she said.

Jimmy’s father intervened after witnessing his son’s exclusion, Breitbart reported.

He confronted Flock and Vice Principal Caleb McFerran, expressing his discontent with the administrators’ decision to prevent his child from speaking.

Disgruntled parents also echoed sentiments that Jimmy was barred from giving his speech because of a misalignment of views with the school’s administration.

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