Watch: CBS Host Shocked by Poll Showing Majority of Americans Support Deporting All Illegal Immigrants - Conservative Nation
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Watch: CBS Host Shocked by Poll Showing Majority of Americans Support Deporting All Illegal Immigrants



CBS News host Margaret Brennan was stunned on Sunday over a recent poll indicating majority support for the mass deportation of illegal immigrants.

She was swiftly torched on social media as the clip circulated online, with users mocking the host over the enormous wake up call she received.

Brennan remarked during the airing, “Homeland Security says that President Biden has already deported or repatriated more people in the past year than any year since 2010.”

“And then, depending on the details of what’s talked about on the campaign trail, some of what Mr. Trump talks about could be illegal.”

She elaborated, stating, “It doesn’t seem practical, in some sense, to round up children.”

“And then we know that the courts have questioned whether local authorities would have the ability to do it, and federal authorities don’t have the resources,” she added.

“So what exactly do people think they’re supporting?” Brennan asked.

Fox News provided more context on the exchange, highlighting that a CBS News/YouGov poll from last week revealed that 62 percent of registered voters back a government initiative to deport all illegal immigrants. 

The poll showed majority support for Biden’s recent executive action at the southern border also.

CBS’ director of elections and surveys Anthony Salvanto noted that while support for deportation predominantly came from Trump supporters, some Democrats were also in favor.

“When you measure public sentiment on this or really just about any policy, you’re getting a sense of direction. You’re getting broad brushstrokes,” he explained to Brennan.

Salvanto then commented on the poll also gauging public opinion on whether local authorities should participate in deporting illegal immigrants.

“A lot of folks do say yes,” he continued. “Again, the details of that, the specifics, you’re not going to pick that up in an aggregate public opinion.”

“We are in a different era in which a lot of folks say the system as a whole is not working.”

“And all of these, if you connect the dots through them, are part of that reaction against it, which explains some of that general sentiment for some of these policies,” Salvanto explained.

Brennan noted that Americans generally want the government to “do something.”

Social media users shared the clip on X following the exchange, highlighting Brennan’s frustration and perplexed demeanor when trying to understand and make sense of the data.

Tennessee Rep. Tim Burchett posted, “The tides are turning. Americans want their country back.”

Fox noted that Trump has declared his intention to use the National Guard to deport illegal immigrants, vowing to execute “the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.”

Biden recently implemented executive actions at the southern border, temporarily preventing migrants who cross illegally from seeking asylum. 

His presidential proclamation will suspend the entry of non-citizens across the southern border when average daily encounters exceed 2,500 over seven days, per Fox.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has claimed that Biden’s order is “accelerating” the number of illegal immigrant crossings, however.

CN reported Monday on a recently obtained internal Border Patrol memo that directs agents to release single adults hailing from all but six countries in the Eastern Hemisphere. 

One senior Border Patrol official disclosed that the directive concerning illegal immigrant processing is tailored specifically for the San Diego sector. 

The official explained that this nuanced approach is a response to the diverse array of nationalities encountered in that region.

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