WNBA Star Brittney Griner Poses With Pregnant Wife…and You Have To See This! - Conservative Nation
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WNBA Star Brittney Griner Poses With Pregnant Wife…and You Have To See This!



WNBA Star Brittney Griner just posed for a picture with “her” pregnant wife….

Yes, Griner has told the world “she” is a woman and a lesbian.


Fair enough.

Except, my eyes and ears do deceive me!

Let me show you what I mean….

Here’s the picture:



And yes, it’s real:

That’s Griner on the left of the right picture with “her” back to us.

But….what is “she” topless?

The pregnant woman is topless but at least wearing a bra, which is what you’d expect.

I know, I know….a lot of you will say that’s just one photo and I’m taking it out of context.

But then….why is Griner ALWAYS walking around topless?

Check this out:

I don’t know ANY women, even flat chested ones, who walk around topless….do you?

Me either.

But even more than that, why does Griner SOUND like a man?

And I don’t just mean it’s kinda like a man….I mean a DEEP voice!

Listen for yourself and I think you’ll be stunned:

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