Aaron Rodgers, Jesse Ventura Featured on RFK Jr.’s VP Short List - Conservative Nation
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Aaron Rodgers, Jesse Ventura Featured on RFK Jr.’s VP Short List



Presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is reportedly eyeing potential running mates, with New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers and former professional wrestler and Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura at the forefront of his considerations.

Kennedy confirmed on Tuesday that Rodgers and Ventura are top contenders, although it remains unclear if formal offers have been extended. 

Discussions are ongoing, and Kennedy continues to weigh a shortlist of candidates, sources familiar with the matter told The New York Times.

The independent candidate revealed ongoing conversations with Rodgers, noting a month-long dialogue, and with Ventura, who was introduced at a campaign event in Arizona last month.

Although there is no definitive confirmation on the composition of the RFK Jr. ticket, The Times reported the recent registration of the domain name kennedyrodgers.com.

While Kennedy had reportedly contemplated offering the position to figures like former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Sen. Rand Paul, and Andrew Yang, talks with these individuals have either stagnated or they have declined the job, unlike the progress made with Rodgers and Ventura.

Rodgers, a vocal supporter of Kennedy’s candidacy, has engaged in continuous discussions with the candidate for the past month, per The Times.

Ventura, the former governor of Minnesota, expressed his efforts to steer RFK away from vaccine-related discussions in a November 2023 YouTube video. When asked about a potential VP offer, Ventura stated, “I would give it serious consideration, certainly.”

Social media responses reflected a mix of opinions regarding the potential presidential ticket.

Kennedy, initially a Democrat before opting for an independent run in October, accused the Democrats of obstructing his ballot access. A lawsuit filed by the Democratic National Convention in February alleged the illegality of the American Values Super PAC investing in Kennedy’s ballot access.

Using the newly formed “We The People Party” for ballot access, Kennedy is polling at 12.8 percent aggregate, according to the Real Clear Politics five-way 2024 presidential election poll.

This places him in a distant third position behind President Joe Biden at 38.4 percent and frontrunner former President Trump, leading with 41.3 percent.

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