Biden Admin Admits Secret Plot To Fly Migrants Into America on Taxpayers’ Dime Was Plagued by ‘Vulnerabilities’ - Conservative Nation
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Biden Admin Admits Secret Plot To Fly Migrants Into America on Taxpayers’ Dime Was Plagued by ‘Vulnerabilities’



According to multiple polls, illegal immigration has become the No. 1 election issue for most Americans.

Amid the growing controversy, the Biden administration has been forced to acknowledge that its actions to transport more than 320,000 illegal immigrants to cities across the country present “national security vulnerabilities.”

The startling admission was made by attorneys representing President Biden

Many Americans have long been concerned by the administration’s order to forbid Customs and Border Protection officials from disclosing information about late-night chartered flights from Mexico and Central America into the United States.

Limited documentation on these immigrants is available, but estimates put the number of immigrants who were flown into America at taxpayer expense on chartered flights originating from cities outside the country at about 320,000.

The Daily Mail reported that the 320,000 figure was gleaned from a “cell phone app.”

The outlet also reported that the Biden administration’s practice of funding flights of immigrants to cities across the country has been active since 2022.

According to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by the Center for Immigration Studies, the Biden administration approved the transport of illegal immigrants from foreign countries into at least 43 cities in America in 2023.

Under the Biden program, illegal migrants were transported to an airport, allowed to use a cellphone app (CBP One) to file initial immigration paperwork and were given two years to complete their immigration paperwork.

The Center for Immigration Studies leaders working with Customs and Border Protection officials have filed a lawsuit to stop the transport of illegal immigrants without proper communication with local authorities. The filing states:

‘[A]ir ports of entry, which, if disclosed would reveal information about the relative number of individuals arriving, and thus resources expended at particular airports which would, either standing alone or combined with other information, reveal operational vulnerabilities that could be exploited by bad actors altering their patterns of conduct, adopting new methods of operation, and taking other countermeasures.”

The filing adds: “[the Biden administration’s practice] thereby undermin[es] CBP’s law enforcement efforts to secure the United States borders.”

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