Black Lives Matter Leader Endorses Trump: ‘Everybody Else Sucks’ - Conservative Nation
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Black Lives Matter Leader Endorses Trump: ‘Everybody Else Sucks’



In a move that surprised many, Mark Fisher, co-founder of Black Lives Matter (BLM), has endorsed presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Apparently not impressed with candidates in either party, Fisher said, “Joe Biden was a deep disappointment” and that “everybody else [in the field] sucks.”

Fisher shared his comments on “The Kim Iverson Show” on Rumble.

Newsweek reported that BLM is a “social movement. … more often associated with the political left than the right-wing populist politics espoused by Trump.” That reality makes Fisher’s endorsement noteworthy.

The podcaster Iverson was surprised by Fisher’s endorsement and asked him to explain his thinking.

Fisher quickly responded, “Because everybody else sucks.”

Fisher elaborated after Iverson stopped laughing: “You know, I like Trump personally,” he began. “And I think right now who we have sitting in the Oval Office is just a deep disappointment … I deeply have disdain for him and I really dislike the vice president [Kamala Harris] as well.”

When Iverson suggested that Fisher’s assessment was not shared in the BLM community, Fisher pushed back saying, “A lot of other Black people were … embracing Trump.”

“I feel like the tide is starting to turn,” Fisher added. “I feel like a lot of Black people are starting to pivot off of that Democratic plantation. For so long, we’ve been slaves to that party. Actually, we’ve been mental slaves, afraid to get off of that plantation.”

Of the Democrats, Fisher said, “That party … they don’t value our vote. Their policies are basically racist policies. I believe that it’s a racist party that strikes at the heart of the Black family and the nuclear family in general. And I believe Donald Trump, he’s the opposite.”

Fisher also noted that many blacks do not share the Democratic push for unrestricted abortion services.

The interview concluded with Fisher claiming that “Trump has done more for the Black community than any president I can think of.”

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