BREAKING: Epstein victim stated then retracted claims that there was video evidence of Bill Clinton, others having sex with victims and that Trump had sex with 'many girls', in new release of 17 show. - Conservative Nation
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BREAKING: Epstein victim stated then retracted claims that there was video evidence of Bill Clinton, others having sex with victims and that Trump had sex with ‘many girls’, in new release of 17 show.



Another drop of Epstein documents was released by the court on Monday. 17 exhibits were unsealed.

Epstein victim Sara Ransome said in 2016 emails to then New York Post editor Maureen Callahan that she had been sent footage by her friend showing her having sex with Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, and Richard Branson, but Ransome added that she could not share the videos without her friend’s consent.

Ransome wrote that the friend “had to have sexual intercourse with Clinton in Epstein’s New York Mansion just off 5th Avenue on numerous occasions.”

“When my friend had sexual intercourse with Clinton, Prince Andrew and Richard Branson, sex tapes were in fact filmed on each separate occasion by Jeffrey,” she later wrote.

Ransome wrote that her friend “managed to get a hold of some footage of the filmed sex tapes, which clearly identifies the faces of Clinton, Prince Andrew and Branson having sexual intercourse with her.”

She wrote that she managed to convince her friend to forward some of the footage to her, adding that she can confirm “with my own two eyes” that the film “clearly identifies Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Richard Branson having sexual intercourse with my friend.”

“It will break your heart into a million tiny pieces Maureen when you watch this footage, and I know that what I watched yesterday, will haunt me for the rest of my life.”

Ransome wrote that she couldn’t forward the footage “without her consent due to massive consequences to her safety,” but added that she did have the footage in her possession and had backed up the footage in several places.

Ransome wrote that her friend had filed a police report in 2008 but “nothing was done and she was utterly humiliated by the police department.”

“A couple months later, she was then approached, by Special Agents Forces Men sent directly by Hilary Clinton herself, in order to protect her presidential campaign in 2008,” Ransome later added of her friend.

“They heavily intimidated her, ruffled her up (luckily she took photos as evidence) and was then forced to sign a confidentiality agreement which ensures that she can never come forward publicly implicating her husband.”

“She was then given a substantial payout, directly from the Clinton Foundation to keep her quiet. She is 1000% certain that the FBI did a cover up and she has the individual names of Hilary’s Special Agent Officers involved in intimidating her. She was then forced against her will to sign a legally binding confidentiality agreement on Hilary’s behalf for her eternal silence.”

“If she breaks this agreement, she is dead.”

One exhibit, filed by Virginia Giuffre’s lawyers against Ghislaine Maxwell, said that Maxwell and those who worked for Epstein had used a secret server, called MindSpring, to communicate about daily tasks and events.

One employee complained that it had become “ridiculous,” saying that Epstein would demand “coffee” or “orange juice” through the server when he was in the same house as the employees.

Another exhibit is a previously sealed testimony from a hearing on whether Epstein should be compelled to give testimony. Both Maxwell and Giuffre wanted him to, but he declined. Epstein said repeatedly that he would not answer questions for feat of criminal prosecution.

The filings come from a 2015 defamation case filed by Giuffre against Maxwell.

Source: The Post Millennial

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