Federal Judge Makes Huge Decision On Voting Machines In Georgia - Conservative Nation
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Federal Judge Makes Huge Decision On Voting Machines In Georgia



A Federal judge in Georgia has ruled there is sufficient evidence that Georgia’s election machines are prone to cybersecurity issues.

U.S. District Court Judge Amy Totenberg wrote there is a cause to believe that “cybersecurity deficiencies that unconstitutionally burden Plaintiffs’ First and Fourteenth Amendment rights and capacity to case effective votes that are accurately counted.”

Judge Totenberg also shot down the idea that the plaintiffs in the case were “conspiracy theorists” for suggesting election machines are susceptible to being hacked.

She wrote, “The Court notes that the record evidence does not suggest that the Plaintiffs are conspiracy theorists of any variety. Indeed, some of the nation’s leading cybersecurity experts and computer scientists have provided testimony and affidavits on behalf of the Plaintiff’s case in the long course of this litigation.”

Per The Post Millenial:

A federal judge in Georgia has set a trial date for the case on whether the state’s voting machines are prone to cybersecurity issues. The plaintiffs argue that the machines could impact voters’ ability to effectively cast their ballots. This would be in violation of the United States Constitution.

US District Court Judge Amy Totenberg set the bench trial date for Jan. 9, 2024. The lawsuit was filed by the Coalition for Good Governance, which is an election integrity advocacy group, and several individual voters. The plaintiffs are requesting the use of hand-marked paper ballots in place of electronic voting machines on grounds that the machines, which are made by Dominion, are susceptible to cybersecurity issues, according to Newsmax.

The plaintiffs hoped to come up with a resolution without the need for a trial, but Judge Totenberg issued a ruling on Friday and said: “The Court cannot wave a magic wand, in this case, to address the varied challenges to our democracy and election system in recent years, including those presented in this case. But reasonable, timely discussion and compromise in this case, coupled with prompt, informed legislative action, might certainly make a difference that benefits the parties and the public.”

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and members of the State Election Board are named as defendants in the suit.

The lawsuit included an expert report that detected weaknesses in the Georgia election system. As a result, a federal cybersecurity agency issued an advisory to jurisdictions utilizing the equipment. Furthermore, the report prompted certain Georgia Republicans to advocate for the abandonment of the voting machines altogether.

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