Here Are the Most Unpopular US Senators - Conservative Nation
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Here Are the Most Unpopular US Senators



Following polls that showed President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris at record-low favorability ratings, a poll by Morning Consult Pro released a similar review of U.S. senators.

Morning Consult Pro released its survey findings on Wednesday. Surprising few, Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell, a senior statesman from Kentucky, had the lowest rating with only 29% of Kentuckians approving of his job performance.

McConnell, who has at times been criticized for aligning with Democratic initiatives, was labeled America’s “most unpopular senator” by the Morning Consult Pro group in January and July.

A political commentator known as “Catturd” on X, noted that McConnell is “18% underwater.”

Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), who is fighting felony charges of “accepting bribes and conspiring to act as a foreign agent of Egypt, took second place in the poll, with a 36% approval rating.

Other sites give Menendez a much lower rating.

Coming in third and fourth in the unfavorable rating poll are Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI). The senators received 50% and 49% disapproval ratings respectively.

Number five in the race no one wants to win is Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), who scored a 42% approval rating. Interactive polling put Manchin’s favorability numbers much lower.

Sens. Lindsay Graham and John Fetterman made the notorious top 10 list.

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