Here’s The Pro-Trump Ad Google Censored Then Restored Following Backlash - Conservative Nation
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Here’s The Pro-Trump Ad Google Censored Then Restored Following Backlash



Google censored a pro-Donald Trump ad online. 

NBC News Reporter Andrew Arenge shared screenshots showing the ad’s removal due to a “policy violation” on Google’s search results last week. 

Arenge criticized Google for removing the ad without providing clear reasons. It was reportedly live in the Google archive on Friday, but was soon taken down.

Arenge highlighted that the Make America Great Again Super PAC, responsible for the ad, spent over $15,000 targeting specific communities in Georgia.

The ad featured a conversation between a caller from the Biden campaign and a voter expressing regret for voting for Biden in 2020, The Post Millennial (TPM) outlined.

The voter laments about the rising cost of living under Biden, citing increased prices for food and rent.

TPM and Arenge reported that the ad has since been restored by Google, however, following significant backlash.

In the ad the Biden 2020 voter complains on the phone to the campaign worker that “Everything costs more. Food, cost, rent.” 

“Okay but Biden’s helping pay rent for newcomers to America from around the world,” the campaign worker responds. 

The voter then asks “You mean illegal immigrants?”

“I’m struggling to pay my bills but Biden’s paying rent for illegals? They get handouts and I’m paying for it,” he continues. “Things were better before Biden, I’m voting for Trump!”

The ad displays notes in front of the campaign worker that reads, “Biden supports the LatinX community” and “Biden is helping to pay rent to newcomers to America.”

Underneath those lines the notes add, “do not say immigrants.”


The Trump campaign released another ad last week that garnered a lot of attention.

It depicted fraternity brothers, who made headlines last week after protecting the American flag from pro-palestine protestors who wanted it torn down, in a positive light, dubbing them patriotic.

Resist The Mainstream reported Thursday on Daniel Stompel, a political science student and member of the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill (UNC), who recently spoke out about his decision to protect the American flag from protestors.

Stompel explained that he and his fraternity brothers felt a communal sense of duty, collectively deciding to defend the flag regardless of the risks, including injury or worse.

“I was like, ‘I’d die for this flag,’ and everybody was like, ‘yeah, if they get any closer we’re gonna start throwing hands,” the fraternity brother added. “They’re gonna have to tear me off this flag by my dead body.” 

CN also reported on other Americans who have refused to remain passive in the face of out-of-control pro-Palestine protestors causing disruptions and chaos on college campuses across the U.S.

One such person is “The Flag Guy” who boldly attends college protests, proudly waving both Israeli and American flags. 

He recently took to UCLA’s campus equipped with a public address system to give everyone sleeping in the tents a friendly 4:30 am wake up call: “Wake up, commies!”

Students at Rutgers University followed the example set by UNC counter protesters by going out to a group of pro-Palestine activists on their own campus in New Brunswick, New Jersey, waving American flags and chanting “USA.” 

They later were captured on video singing the national anthem.

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