John Fetterman Defends Lauren Boebert Amid Family Scandal - Conservative Nation
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John Fetterman Defends Lauren Boebert Amid Family Scandal



Democratic Senator John Fetterman recently voiced his disapproval of the harsh treatment directed at Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert’s family following her son’s arrest.

“This is a family in crisis, and the recreational cruelty I see on social media needs to be out of bounds,” Fetterman wrote on X. “I know the impact this has on children. I’m calling for restraint because cruelty has substantial collateral damage. We can’t ever forget that they didn’t sign up for this.”

Fetterman’s stance received praise from numerous, politically diverse commentators. A.G. Hamilton, a commentator and attorney, and Mo Elleithee, a Democratic political strategist, both expressed their support for Fetterman’s compassionate approach.

“Another W for John Fetterman,” Hamilton wrote.

“Amen to this,” Elleithee agreed.

The congresswoman herself has not made any public comments in response to Fetterman’s statements.

The backdrop to Fetterman’s call for kindness is the recent news about Boebert’s 18-year-old son, Tyler Jay Boebert, who is has been charged with five felonies and numerous misdemeanor and petty offenses, all stemming from a series of vehicle trespasses and property thefts, as stated by Colorado police.

“I love my son Tyler, who has been through some very difficult, public challenges for a young man and the subject of attention that he didn’t ask for,” Boebert said in a statement. “He should nonetheless be held accountable for poor decisions just like any other citizen.”

Despite Fetterman’s recent call for compassion, the gruff Pennsylvania senator has had his share of public disagreements with Representative Boebert in the past. In one instance, Fetterman criticized Boebert after an incident at a Beetlejuice showing last September, where she was reportedly removed for inappropriate behavior.

“I figure if I take up vaping and grabbing the hog during a live musical, they’ll make me a folk hero,” Fetterman posted on X.

Boebert has also attacked Fetterman, particularly for his casual attire at a Senate press conference.

“John Fetterman redefined Casual Friday on a Thursday morning,” she commented. “It’s truly unbecoming for someone to show up like that to any job.”

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