LAPD To Hire, Arm Illegal Immigrant Police Officers - Conservative Nation
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LAPD To Hire, Arm Illegal Immigrant Police Officers



The Los Angeles Police Department is hiring illegal immigrants subject to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals order, issuing them firearms and giving them authority to police American citizens.

President Barack Obama’s 2012 DACA order indefinitely delayed the deportation of illegal immigrants who enter the United States as minors. However, recipients do not become U.S. citizens unless they apply for a green card. Many individuals who are subject to DACA try to stay under the order’s protection for as long as possible. 

Historically, the United States only allows U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents in the process of obtaining citizenship to serve in a law enforcement role. However, in 2022, Democrats in California passed a law authorizing illegal immigrants, including DACA recipients, who obtain work authorizations, to join police forces across the state. 

Some cities, such as Sacramento, have refused to hire these individuals, due to concerns about potential gun law violations, but the LAPD gave positions to nearly a dozen individuals subject to DACA.

Capt. Robin Petillo told CalMatters that the newly hired officers will “possess department-issued firearms on and off duty” and confirmed that the department plans to give jobs to illegally present foreigners who are currently in police training.

“We’ve tried to carve just what is necessary for DACA, and these individuals be treated on the same basis of which non-DACA recipients are, as to the possession of a department firearm and its use,” Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore told ABC 7.

The new policy is also raising questions about it’s legality, as the 1968 Gun Control Act prohibits illegally present foreign citizens from possessing firearms and ammunition. The Fifth Circuit Court Of Appeals ruled in 2017 that DACA does not exempt illegal border crossers from that gun law.

However, an exception to that 1968 law allows for illegal immigrants to possess guns “for the use of, the United States or any department or agency thereof or any State or any department, agency, or political subdivision thereof.” 

The new laws come as the entire nation struggles with police recruiting, as many have moved away from plans to work in the police force amid the Defund the Police movement. 

This is also the latest controversial policy decision made by President Joe Biden, who, alongside other Democrats, has provided illegal immigrants with free transportationshelter and prepaid debit cards.

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