Report: Jeffrey Epstein’s Former ‘Massage Scheduler’ Is ‘Quietly Awaiting’ Release of Sealed Documents - Conservative Nation
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Report: Jeffrey Epstein’s Former ‘Massage Scheduler’ Is ‘Quietly Awaiting’ Release of Sealed Documents



The imminent release of sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s “list” of clients, associates and victims has captured the interest of many.

Speculation regarding who may be on the notorious late sex trafficker’s list swirls on media networks and social media channels.

The Messenger reported that a source close to Sarah Kellen, Epstein’s former “massage scheduler,” intimated that what will be revealed will be profound.

“She had a front-row seat to the debauchery. What she knows would shock the world,” the source said.

The list of between 150-200 names reportedly includes many notables.

Kellen is a controversial character — accused but not convicted of sharing in Epstein’s sex trafficking enterprise. She reportedly worked for Epstein for several years in the early 2000s and has lived in a luxury condo in Miami Beach since leaving his employ.

The details regarding how the condo was paid for are unclear and Kellen’s life has been shrouded in secrecy.

The source close to Kellen said that Sarah married NASCAR driver Brian Vickers some years ago and the couple have “enjoyed basic anonymity and privacy and freedom for many years.”

Some believe the information about to be revealed will thrust Kellen again into the spotlight.

The source added that Kellen and Vickers “don’t want any changes [in how they live]. So the pattern for which they live, which by the way is very careful — almost to the point of paranoia, is not without purpose.”

Ghislaine Maxwell, a partner in crime with Epstein, was convicted and sentenced to 20 years in federal prison in 2022. Court records reveal that “[Maxwell] supervised Sarah Kellen, who was a knowing participant in the criminal conspiracy.”

One of the victims who testified at Maxwell’s trial told jurors that Kellen arranged “massage” appointments where victims would be abused by Epstein, adding that nude photographs were taken during massage sessions.

In December 2020, Kellen defended herself in an interview with The Sun, saying, “I’ve been made out to be such a monster — but it’s not true.”

She added: “I’m a victim of Jeffrey Epstein. I was raped and abused weekly.”

RTM previously reported that the list will include business associates, clients, journalists who wrote about Epstein, investigators who spoke with Epstein and victims. According to Fox News, the names of minor victims and those “wrongly identified as an alleged perpetrator by a reporter” will remain redacted.

A lawsuit, originated in 2015 by Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre, addressed the issue of Epstein’s little black book. In 2021, the Court indicated its contents would not remain sealed indefinitely.

Former President Donald Trump has advocated for the release of Epstein’s list.

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