Surviving The Great Reset Part One - Growing Your Own Food - Conservative Nation
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Surviving The Great Reset Part One – Growing Your Own Food



The elites are attempting to create food shortages all around the world. We must find a way to survive without falling into their trap. They want to kill as many as they can by reducing food production. We must grow our own food.

As more people become educated about their health care, commercial food production, and overall food costs, many are starting to look for alternatives. Maybe this is you, and you’re looking for a way to bring healthier food into your house. Whatever your reason, starting your own food garden is within reach, even if you’ve never gardened before.

You can grow your own food by starting with a few easy-to-grow plants, a small garden bed or container, and seeds or seedlings. By starting small with 3-4 types of plants, you will be able to slowly learn the skills needed to expand your food-growing operation with confidence.

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