Voting Machines Glitch in Pennsylvania Triggers Backlash From Voters Ahead of 2024 - Conservative Nation
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Voting Machines Glitch in Pennsylvania Triggers Backlash From Voters Ahead of 2024



In Northampton County, Pennsylvania, voters and officials alike are sounding the alarm after issues with touchscreen voting devices arose on the most recent Election Day, reflecting glitches that occurred in the county’s 2019 judges race. 

According to a report from Politico, election officials are attempting to dissuade concerns about the voting system as increasing scrutiny is put on the systems.

Northampton, a swing county, used Election Systems & Software touchscreen machines for the first time in 2019, experiencing a “programming glitch” that caused a significant “undercount” of votes in the local judge’s race. 

However, on November 7, 2023, voters discovered that their printouts meant to confirm their votes on the devices did not match their choices for two down-ballot judges races. 

“In 2019, when the issues came up with the touchscreens, we were told, ‘Don’t worry about it. The cards are recording the votes,’” Northampton County Republican Committee chair Glenn Geissinger told Politico. “OK, you’re telling me now, in 2023, ‘Don’t worry about what’s printed on the card’?”

When the previous glitch incident occurred, voters were told to trust the printouts over the touchscreens.

“We’re at the peak of mistrust of one another, but until that subsides, counties like ours need to be nearly perfect, and I think this system allows us to do that,” County Executive Lamont McClure told Politico, arguing the glitch resulted from human error. 

However, many Pennsylvania voters are expressing concern that the systems in place do not work.

“Every. Single. Northampton County voter should sue the county for this travesty. This is disgusting, and these machines cannot be used for another election,” posted one user on X. 

Even local Democratic leaders are expressing mistrust in the machines, with Northampton County Democratic Party chair Matthew Munsey telling Politico, “Since 2019, the theory has been well, that was a big mistake, but we caught it and we’ve implemented new processes to make sure nothing like that would ever happen again.” 

He added, “I don’t know how we can restore trust with these machines.”

Politico reported that “ES&S and Northampton officials acknowledged that pre-election software testing, which is conducted jointly, should have caught that problem.”

“We deeply regret what has occurred today,” Linda Bennett, senior vice president of account management at ES&S, said at an Election Day press conference. However, she claimed, “We are sure and positive that the voter selections are actually being captured” because the error supposedly only affected the paper cards.

Northampton certified the vote on Tuesday.

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