Watch: Biden Official Struggles to Name a Single Biden Foreign Policy Achievement - Conservative Nation
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Watch: Biden Official Struggles to Name a Single Biden Foreign Policy Achievement



On Thursday John Kirby, spokesperson for the Biden administration, faced a challenging question regarding President Joe Biden’s foreign policy successes.

“What would the president say is his foreign policy achievement of the year?” Kirby was asked.

“There’s a lot that we’ve achieved in foreign policy, and Karine’s already made sure that you know that we’re running late, and I don’t want to belabor this. So, this answer could go on for like 20 minutes,” Kirby started.

In his reply, Kirby alluded to several initiatives, including the Indo-Pacific strategy involving the Quad and AUKUS, aimed at equipping Australia with nuclear-powered submarines. However, Kirby’s response seemed to lack a definitive example of a singular, impactful achievement.

The Biden administration has faced increased scrutiny over its handling of international affairs over the year and it’s no wonder why they’re plummeting in the polls. The administration’s approach has contrasted sharply with that of its predecessor.


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