Watch: James O’Keefe Footage Shows Trans Pentagon Employee Arguing For 2A Repeal, Opening The Border - Conservative Nation
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Watch: James O’Keefe Footage Shows Trans Pentagon Employee Arguing For 2A Repeal, Opening The Border



In a recent video released by James O’Keefe’s O’Keefe Media Group, a Department of Defense employee was caught on camera advocating for the repeal of the Second Amendment and endorsing government-exclusive firearm ownership.

Jason Beck, identified as a member of Total Force Requirements & Sourcing Policy within Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s office, boldly stated to a disguised O’Keefe, “I think we should repeal the Second Amendment and take the guns all away.”

Operating under the pseudonym Aiden Grey, Beck, who holds a classified security clearance, engaged in discussions with O’Keefe. Beck’s role within the Department of Defense entails serving as a principal defense policy maker and advisor to the president.

Beck would also disclose personal information about undergoing gender confirmation surgery to O’Keefe, who referenced in a X Space before the video’s release.

In the video, Beck further challenged immigration policies suggesting an open border approach and condemning recent legislation as “almost unbelievable” and “really racist.” He criticized border security measures as ineffective, dismissing them as futile efforts to address a non-existent problem.

Expressing skepticism about the security threat posed by undocumented immigrants, Beck asserted, “There’s no Taliban coming in through Mexico like that’s, they just make that stuff out of whole cloth. Like when has a terrorist ever come in?”

Advocating for government control over firearms, Beck proposed mobilizing the national guard to enforce gun confiscation, emphasizing the need for a “monopoly on state violence.” Beck also endorsed radical measures such as court packing, the abolition of the US Senate, and the elimination of the Electoral College.

Regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives in the military, Beck acknowledged resistance within the Department of Defense, remarking, “Since we’re personnel and readiness, they’ve been taking aim at us a lot lately. They don’t like diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, the DEI stuff.”


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