Tucker Carlson Says Hosting GOP Debate Would Be ‘Fun As Hell’ - Conservative Nation
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Tucker Carlson Says Hosting GOP Debate Would Be ‘Fun As Hell’



Tucker Carlson, the former host of the #1 ranked show on the Fox Network, responded on Wednesday to a question posed by journalist Alex Lorusso.

During an exchange with Carlson on X, Lorusso floated the idea of Tucker hosting the next GOP debate.

Tucker appeared to be very eager to moderate a debate. He told Lorusso and his listeners: “Oh gosh, of course I would. Of course, I would.”

After musing the possibility for a moment, Carlson said, “Yeah, that sounds fun as hell! I absolutely would. I mean, it would, I think have to be outside the RNC’s jurisdiction, and that would be good.”

During his exchange with Lorusso, Carlson also quipped his criticism of the current state of the GOP: “If anyone present can see a purpose for the RNC to continue to exist, um, just shoot me a text.”

Carlson added: “The RNC’s like NATO. You know, it has no reason for being. It only consumes resources and says annoying things and breaks things. But there’s sort of no reason to have it, you know what I mean?”

Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy also railed against the RNC. During the third Republican presidential debate in November, Ramaswamy suggested that Carlson, Joe Rogan, and Elon Musk should moderate the next debate.

Ronna McDaniel, Chairwoman for the RNC, was dismissive of Ramaswamy’s comments. After Ramaswamy called for her resignation, McDaniel told Fox News, “He’s [polling] at four percent [and] needs a headline.”

Nevertheless, many are looking to leaders in the GOP to invigorate the Party to ensure there is no repeat of 2022’s lackluster performance.

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