Ted Cruz Has a Theory Why Dems Might Be ‘Blocking’ Epstein Flight Logs: ‘That’s What Epstein Had on His Wall’ - Conservative Nation
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Ted Cruz Has a Theory Why Dems Might Be ‘Blocking’ Epstein Flight Logs: ‘That’s What Epstein Had on His Wall’



Many have questioned why Democrat leaders have resisted disclosing flight logs associated with Jeffery Epstein’s notorious “Lolita Express.”

Epstein died in 2019 while in custody, awaiting trial on multiple charges of sex trafficking.

Senator Tex Cruz (R-TX) shared his theory as to why Democrats are blocking access to the logs during a recent interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity.

During Tuesday’s interview, Cruz claimed that Judiciary Committee Chairman, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) was fighting hard to keep the flight log information sealed. Cruz also shared that Democrats “were freaking out” because Republicans continue to push for the release of that information.

Sen. Cruz questioned Sen. Durban’s claim that he was unaware of “anything” related to flight log requests from Republicans, pointing out that Sen. Durban was at hearings when requests by Republicans were repeatedly made.

Decrying that Sen. Durban has been “unwilling” to turn over the logs, Sen. Cruz told Hannity: “A Fox News reporter asked [Durban], in the hall of the Senate, why…Senate Democrats were blocking the [release of] flight logs of Jeffrey Epstein’s planes. And [Durban] claimed, ‘I don’t know anything about it. I wasn’t there. I don’t know about it.’”

Mocking Sen. Durban, Cruz said to Hannity: “On my podcast yesterday, I played the video and said ‘yes, you were there. You’re the one.’ It was my colleague Marsha Blackburn. She introduced an amendment that I joined that would have subpoenaed the flight logs and said we need to see who was on that plane. If there are prominent politicians who were involved in molesting young girls, we need to know – don’t protect them.”

Sen. Cruz added:  “And I gotta say the Democrats are freaking out. He literally blocked all amendments. And in my view, Republicans on the Judiciary Committee, we ought to keep pushing to say we’re going to vote on the record. If you are covering up for someone who is engaged in molesting children, we’re going to expose it.”

The Senator then referenced a very odd picture of former President Bill Clinton in a blue dress that was hung prominently in Epstein’s estate in the Virgin Islands.

“It’s really horrible,” Cruz said. “He had a painting of Bill Clinton in a blue dress wearing red pump high heels hanging on his wall. It’s traumatizing. If you Google it, you’re going to hate the image. That’s what Epstein had on his wall. Maybe that explains why Dick Durbin and the Democrats don’t want to subpoena those flight logs. They’re not going to like what they find in them.”

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) has also expressed frustration at Sen. Durban’s unwillingness to release flight records. In a November press release, Blackburn said: “Senate Democrats do not want to have a conversation about the estate of Jeffrey Epstein to find out the names of every person who participated in [his] trafficking ring.”

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) has sided with Blackburn and Cruz and wrote a letter to House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer requesting that he subpoena the flight logs.

Fox News reported that an aide to Sen. Durban claimed the Senator would be cooperative if Republicans would debate the more than 175 amendments attached to various pending bills

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