Watch: Trump Interrupts Speech to Call for Doctor After Person in Crowd Suffers Medical Emergency - Conservative Nation
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Watch: Trump Interrupts Speech to Call for Doctor After Person in Crowd Suffers Medical Emergency



Former President Donald Trump’s address was disrupted due to a medical emergency in the crowd.

The 45th president delivered a speech in late January in Las Vegas, Nevada, and advocated for implementing obligatory cognitive assessments for individuals seeking political positions.

Trump paused his speech, pointed towards someone in the crowd, and said: “Medical. Medical please,” he added. “Are they OK? Doctor in the house, thank you.”

“I love those people, you know they’re waiting outside for 10 hours ,12 hours? I love you, darling,” he added. “We don’t want to see anybody, even the other side, we don’t want to see them hurt.”

He stated that he would not have interrupted the speech if he had been delivering the State of the Union address. However, he did acknowledge the high temperature outside before expressing gratitude once more to the medical staff for their assistance. After approximately three minutes, he continued the speech, uttering: “Very well, let us commence.”

At another point in the rally, Trump issued a direct challenge to Biden.

“I really believe it’s important,” the former president said. “I don’t know. They say it’s not constitutional. I don’t know why. They say it’s not constitutional to take an aptitude or cognitive test, but I think anybody running for president — that includes vice president and maybe even some other positions — I think taking certain tests … would be a good thing, personally. Not based on age, I don’t care if you’re 35 years old, but we want intelligent people. Now, that’s not a pure sign of intelligence, but we want people that are intelligent.”

“Only about 2% in this room can do it, but I did it,” he said. “I did it very easily, but I got mocked. They said, ‘Oh, that’s so easy.’ It’s not easy. It’s not easy — go home and try doing it, OK?”

Read the full story here.

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