Sean Hannity Announces Major Life News: ‘I’ve Been Threatening To Do This’ - Conservative Nation
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Sean Hannity Announces Major Life News: ‘I’ve Been Threatening To Do This’



On Tuesday, conservative Fox News host Sean Hannity announced he has moved from a notably Blue state to one notably Red.

Claiming he has “threatened” to do this “for quite a while,” Hannity revealed he has moved from New York to Florida, citing politics and government leadership as major factors for his decision.

According to The Hill, Hannity told his followers on his radio show, “I’ve been threatening to do this for quite a while, but we are now beginning our first broadcast from my new home and that is in the free state of Florida.”

Hannity added: “I am out. I am done. I’m finished.”

Hannity expressed he has no regrets about the move, saying he “feels a lot better” since moving to the Sunshine State.

Noting he wanted to live in a state led by leaders who “share his values,” Hannity said he looked forward to living in a state led by people like Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott, and Gov. Ron DeSantis.

“…Finally for the first time that I can think of in my adult life, I actually have representatives in the state that I’m living in that share my values,” Hannity said.

Notably, California and New York have seen record numbers of residents moving out of their states as progressive policies and initiatives are implemented. According to the Daily Caller, between April 2020 and July 2022, New York lost 524,079 residents and California lost 508,903. Most moved from Blue to Red states.

Hannity noted that people were fleeing California and New York to escape “high taxes, burdensome regulations, high crime [and] horrible school districts.”

Indicating he believes he should have made the move long ago, Hannity said: “…If anything, I’m probably late and behind the curve and many others have made the move beforehand and there’s not a single person that I know, that made a move like this that is not happy that they’ve made it.”

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